Since 1947
to the
center for prosthetic restoration
We bring a combination of artistic and technical acuity to the design
and faithful replication of highly realistic craniofacial and hand prostheses.
Clinical Rehabilitation Services

Dear Paula, Thank you for all your help. I really appreciate everything you have done for me. I don’t know too many people who genuinely care as much as you do for the well being of your patients. Very truly yours, Michael S.

Hi Paula,
I went to a dermatologist last week and when she heard I had a melanoma in my eye she wanted to check my eye. She had no clue that my eye wasn’t real. I was really happy as I have always been self-conscious about it. I feel better now. Just wanted to tell you.
Barbara P.

Hi Paula,
I wanted to let you know that my father is so excited about his new ear! … The ear is so realistic – you must get great pleasure in being able to help so many people. Thanks again so much for all your work. You are truly appreciated!
Nancy G.

Hi Paula,
I had to get this card sent off to let you know my thankfulness for you, your knowledge, and your expertise! I made this card especially for you off the computer. This is just a small way of showing my appreciation.
Take care,
Den M.

Dear Paula,
Many, many thanks again for the great piece of art (that’s what it is) which will change M_____’s life! As [my husband] told you in a preceding e-mail, she is delighted with it and not shy at all about showing it off to friends. How wonderful to be able to create like you do.
Sophie S.

Dear Ms. Paula,
I can’t begin to thank you enough for ____’s prosthesis. The color is perfect & it fits well and looks great…Thanks so much for your kindness and consideration.
Lavern M.

Dear Paula,
Everyone is amazed with my new nose – especially when I explain how it helps me finally breathe! The night prosthesis is a real Godsend as it keeps me from breathing through my mouth.
All best wishes,
Sally R.

Thanks so much for the quality of workmanship on my prosthetic finger. My friends and I are in complete awe of the likeness to the real thing. I am very proud of it.
Randy S.

Dear Ms. Sauerborn,
Please accept my thanks for the masterful job you did in replacing my amputated ear.
My family and friends have, without exception, been amazed at the accuracy with which you matched the remaining ear. The consensus of opinion is “You can’t tell which is real and which artificial”.
Yesterday the radiation therapy physician who supervised my treatments exclaimed “That is absolutely fantastic" when he saw it! It is amazing beyond words.” He called in his whole staff, at least ten nurses and technicians, to see what most people would consider impossible.
My friend, Dr. Arnold, said, “I see it and have to believe it, but I did not think anyone could possible do a job as perfect as that.”
Again, I thank you!
Kinloch Y.

Thank you for your extra kindness, your over and above all willingness to help. Your kind caring support is greatly appreciated.
Regina H.